Special 360° solution for your igaming & betting business Get Started Now

Build a retention strategy that drives revenue

Send a personalized message using data that’s fully trustworthy, and compliant by automating the WhatsApp chatbot. Secure your financial journey more with Trring Me’s WhatsApp business solution.

Trusted by leading Fintech companies

Be trustworthy with secured omnichannel communications!

  • Connect with customers via official and verified channels.

  • Make them secure while protecting their conversation.

  • Be active and reply instantly with Trring Me’s omnichannel platform.

  • Broadcast messages on WhatsApp with 90% open rate.

  • Centralize all communication channels in one place.

Sign up

Less reliability on phone calls and emails

  • 70% people avoid phone calls and emails

  • Set up a chatbot to have smooth conversion with clients.

  • Personalize customer experience to measure your business.

  • Provide your clients financial advice and insight with chatbots.

  • Automate your chatbot for 24/7 for answering inquiries.

Boost conversion rates with our detailed analytic reports!

  • Make your life better with the detailed analytic reports.

  • Let the WhatsApp chatbot give updates on higher number of questions.

  • Measure the success of your campaign with insights.

  • Categorize clients and send personalized deals.

  • Assign your task to bots and have worry free weekend.

Book a Demo

Why use a chatbot for a
fintech company?

Be available 24/7 for customers
Offer personal client experience
Reduce phone calls and emails
Capture customer feedback
Transform things digitally
Offer personalized customer experience

Build a big brand image and
a valuable connection with Trring Me !

Get started today!